Thursday, September 15, 2011


Welcome friends, family, co-workers(y'all are friends too), Moms, Dads, kids, neighbors, all that have had the experience of Mary Ann.  Yep, that's right.  Knowing me is an experience.  Most of the time a hilarious one, sometimes a crazy one, and most often a "shaking your head" at me one.  I am a rare breed folks.  I am not making a conceited statement, I am just saying, that "To know me, is to love me!" - Elmo

I have so many faults, so many imperfections, so many character flaws, that from time to time on here you will see me grasping for help to deal with an issue in life, a trial or tribulation, a grievance, or just plain rage at somebody doing something stupid.  I hope for the most part I can take my silly mistakes, flaws, issues, and use them to make you laugh! Cause LAUGHTER is the best medicine folks! Really!

So, to start, I am going to use this blog to chronicle my COUCH to 5K! training.  This is so huge for me.  Today I bought my first water bottle.  Yes, my first.  This is a major step! A purple Camelbak. Does anyone know if I can put coffee in that thing? I feel like a kid carrying around a sippy cup.  And - wait for it - tomorrow, I am buying SHOES! Yes always find a way to work shoes into a new activity ladies.  See, I haven't ran anywhere but the store in 15 years.  And, going to the store always involved a CAR! Which by the way, in times like these, are never appreciated enough.  (I mean in training for 5k times, which, I still am having trouble grasping why anyone would want to RUN anywhere when GOD made cars with AC.)

So, why am I doing this? The 5k? Well, I feel really lazy.  I am not lazy though.  I work two full time jobs, three if you count being a wife.  I just feel so sluggish, and weigh more now than I ever have my entire life.  I need to get my blood pumping, take a deep breath (no doubt I'll be taking a lot of those) and get HEALTHY!

I plan on starting Monday, by then my new shoes will be broke in...LOL!