Saturday, November 26, 2011

Inspired by.....BATMAN?

Super Heros...I like the idea of a masked crusader running the streets saving the good from the bad.  Do I have a favorite? No. It is a toss up between Batman and Spiderman. 

First, there is Batman, the gadget dude.  Check out the utility belt.  A martial arts expert equipt with specialized gadgets to full fill every need.  Fancy car, cave tricked out with the most sophisticated servalence equiptment.  That's my kind of guy....those of  you who know me, know I love gadgets and cool techno stuff.

Then, there is Spiderman.  The nerd turned super spidey from an insect bite....jumping from building to building repeling by web.  He is my son's favorite at the moment.  Now, vintage Spiderman had a utility belt of sorts also...refill cartridges for spidey web, and little spider tracking devices.

Where am I going with this post you ask? Bet you are lost by now.....

FUEL BELT.  I got one.  Can't help but ponder who or what the creator of that thing was thinking about.  I know hydration was part of the thought pattern but really, have you looked at that thing? It looks like a super hero utility belt knock off.  Don't misunderstand me, I love mine...especially now that I've learned to wear it properly and not backwards...and then there are the gel packs...what the heck? Super serum? Supposedly you squeeze one of those suckers into your mouth during or a before a run, to give you super human powers to finish your run?

I am thinking that I need a "super mom" utility belt....does anybody make those? Complete with wipes, hand sanitizer, water, money, chap stick, and keychain...maybe even a secret pouch for those days when you are feeling "not so fresh."  Let's get real girls,  you know you'd use it....who wouldn't?  I will get on it.....keep you updated with my progress.

As for my running, I finished my couch to 5k training program.  First 5k two weeks from today.  Just need to perfect my time a bit, and get a few more runs in before, and then I am ready to rumble with all the other crazy people who like to run....yep I said crazy, but I do realize that I am a member of that crowd now.  It's okay, I am fine with resembling that statement....I was crazy to begin with anyway. :) And well, shoot, they are all healthy, so what's crazy about that?

So if you see me running the streets, masked (ear warmers), wearing my super utility water belt, and communicator(iphone) don't worry, this Super Mom will save you from evil thirst should you need long as it doesn't surpass my water toting capabilities....anything beyond that, we will have to send out the bat signal.......(or make a call via iphone, wonder if there is an app for that? lol!)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Insult to INJURY

Tell me something, am I supposed to feel like an idiot at some point in my running career?  I know that you get what you pay for, I know that when it comes to your health and well being you spare no expense, I know that when I am pounding the pavement I must be careful - so how is it that I convinced myself that buying a pair of cheap shoes was a good idea? I spent a small mint on a jog stroller...why in the hell would I not do the same for my feet?

As I sit nursing an injured ankle back to health, it occurs to me that I am no expert in matters such as these.  And, as my paranoia starts flaring up more than my ankle,  I realize I must stop myself short of ankle surgery.  Not to mention mentally condemning myself to a life of couch potato-ness.....I think I have figured out why some get so discouraged with "the physical fitness." They have no support! No support in their shoes! No support in their house! NO SUPPORT! It is truly a bad thing.....

So tonight, I am thanking my supporters.  My hubby, who graciously agreed to the purchase of yet another pair of shoes, the numerous running moms and friends who helped me figure out my injury issue, and to my Amber, for making me look like a fool running the aisles of Academy this evening.  And Nancy, if you are reading.....I will catch up to you some go girl.

BTW, my shoes are very pretty too....tomorrow I hope to be thanking New Balance and their Susan G. Komen for the Cure shoes......