Thursday, November 3, 2011

Insult to INJURY

Tell me something, am I supposed to feel like an idiot at some point in my running career?  I know that you get what you pay for, I know that when it comes to your health and well being you spare no expense, I know that when I am pounding the pavement I must be careful - so how is it that I convinced myself that buying a pair of cheap shoes was a good idea? I spent a small mint on a jog stroller...why in the hell would I not do the same for my feet?

As I sit nursing an injured ankle back to health, it occurs to me that I am no expert in matters such as these.  And, as my paranoia starts flaring up more than my ankle,  I realize I must stop myself short of ankle surgery.  Not to mention mentally condemning myself to a life of couch potato-ness.....I think I have figured out why some get so discouraged with "the physical fitness." They have no support! No support in their shoes! No support in their house! NO SUPPORT! It is truly a bad thing.....

So tonight, I am thanking my supporters.  My hubby, who graciously agreed to the purchase of yet another pair of shoes, the numerous running moms and friends who helped me figure out my injury issue, and to my Amber, for making me look like a fool running the aisles of Academy this evening.  And Nancy, if you are reading.....I will catch up to you some go girl.

BTW, my shoes are very pretty too....tomorrow I hope to be thanking New Balance and their Susan G. Komen for the Cure shoes......

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